16 Secrets to Finding a Legitimate Work at Home Business The Average Person Can Do!

What are the secrets to finding a legitimate work at home business the average person can really benefit from. There are at least 16 secrets to finding a legitimate work at home business for women or men. If you’re just starting to look into the work at home world or have some experience; don’t launch into something with all your heart and effort to later be disappointed.

A good checklist will help you avoid a lot of wasted time, money, energy and nightmares.

This checklist will help you to make most of the crucial decisions before launching your work from home business. In fact some of these secrets you will remember for the rest of your home business or Internet business career.

Money can be made on the Internet, and lots of it! In fact unlimited! When I began doing my investigating of home businesses; I was able to rub shoulders and visit the homes of home business marketers making anywhere between $20,000 a month and up to $50,000 a month. They are generally those who have become very experienced, but you can find programs that you can get into right away and make $1000 to $10,000 a month or more which can be accomplished by women or men despite education or time constraints.

“Someone said, you can work for a living or you can work part time for a Fortune.”

If you will study these home business secrets, you will discover the principles you will need to make a part-time fortune.

1. Tangible Product That Is Needed in Today’s World. Concentrate on programs or products that are needed by most people in today’s world. The best product is one that needs to be purchased monthly! Think of a product that most people need to replace, re-use or purchase on a monthly basis. For example, toilet paper. You definitely need that every day. I often wonder how many wealthy toilet paper tycoons there are?

There are many great products and services to promote in a home business. You can earn big commissions to sell them. HOWEVER, would it be better to make a $39 profit just one time, or a $10 profit over and over again indefinitely?

It has been well said, that when you sell a product that will pay you only once, you are making money that is going to benefit the company more than yourself. But, if you sell a product over and over again, month after month you are making an income that is going to benefit you.

Let’s use weight loss as an example since I myself promote a weight loss and health product. If you’re selling a number one weight loss product in North America and it needs to be purchased every month you only need to make one sale and reap the benefits over and over again. When you gain a customer, you have a monthly reoccurring sale for the effort of the initial sale.

2. The Truth about Free Home Businesses. There is no such thing as a free business!

Despite all the hogwash you read about making $1 million and never spending a dime; ladies and gentlemen, it might happen once in a million years! But don’t hold your breath!

It’s always going to take some money to make money on the Internet or with a legitimate home business that you can be proud of working. The good thing is it takes a whole lot less to start a work from home job. Also, even though you can join almost any Internet program FREE; realize it only gets you in the door; and without benefits to actually make a financial profit. Normally, you get what you pay for.

The Internet world is so jam packed with opportunities, if you look around you can find most of the components that you would need for successful business. But it takes some work. You have to know WHERE to look, WHAT to look for and HOW to put it together. Often times than not, the learning curve can be very involved.

So whatever you do, you’re going to have to invest some money in the form of cash or time. Cash can help you shorten the time and time can help you use less cash. You will have to determine where to balance the time and money you put in.

3. Do Not to Put All Your Investments in One “Boat.”

The best home businesses entrepreneurs will diversify their businesses. Getting involved in a program or selling a product with multiple sources of income is what you want to have! If your business has more avenues of income, it will be more stable and you will be less likely to go under.

Can you imagine if you invested all your time and effort in an Internet program and after one year it disappeared! But if you learn the proper way to diversify your investments, then you may only lose one arm of your business instead of the whole thing!

Considering the condition of the economy; where would it be better to place your 10 gold nuggets?

Would you put your 10 gold nuggets in one bank or would you put it in three different banks? The answer is obvious. Three banks would be the best prevention from being wiped out financially all at one time.

If you were promoting the best weight loss program in America and all of a sudden the company goes down. What do you do? Make sure you diversify and also have a plan to quickly recover any loss of monthly income

4. Why Multilevel Marketing?

Multilevel marketing, network marketing and what we have often heard as “pyramid schemes” have given home businesses a bad rap. Really, multilevel and network marketing is a concept that happens in almost every business and social organization in existence.

It’s not the system that’s wrong. It’s people who have used a perfectly legitimate business tool to use in a wrong way. It’s no different from saying that cars are a “scheme” because people are using them to transport and hide drugs as they come across the border. Does that make cars bad? Of course not.

Neither is there anything wrong with multilevel marketing and network marketing. It actually is very powerful and gives a team of people the ability to not have to work as hard and be able to make more money or have more time and freedom.

5. Why You Shouldn’t Sell Pink Toilet Seats!

Know the difference between selling and marketing.

One of the biggest mistakes many home business and Internet business owners make is not knowing the difference between selling and marketing. Most of us look for something interesting to sell, or something we like to sell and hope for the best.

However, an “internet marketer” evaluates the market and determines what products are the most popular products. Their objective is to find what’s hot and what’s not.

There is nothing wrong with taking into consideration what you have a passion for or a gift for marketing; however, don’t get stuck on promoting what suits your fancy. Most successful home businesses have learned to find hot products and market them as long as they remain hot.

6. Know for Sure Programs Work before You Invest Your Effort.

Now, that sounds like common sense; however, many new business owners concentrate on programs because it’s comfortable for them. They like them. It was the first one they learned. It’s easy to do. Easy to understand.They had enough success to make them feel good.

Many small-business owners never experience much success because they got stuck with what was comfortable.

However, you should be doing a particular business because it works well enough to produce the success that you desire.

Also, it’s very easy to get caught up in the work from home business hype. Don’t let your emotions lead you into making a decision that was not good. There are many home business gurus that are masters at making you think you have to act Now!

7. Working for Yourself but with Others.

Know that you can’t do it all by yourself!

Working alone is somewhat of a mirage. Sure, being your own boss is what work from home businesses are all about.

Everybody wants to be their own boss. Everybody’s tired of the 9-to-5 job. But even when you’re your own boss, the home business man/woman realizes that they will have to outsource, some of their work, or do joint ventures with others, and sometimes team up with others to make their business run efficiently and successfully.

8. What Do You Really Think of Your Service or Product?

Make sure to build quality into your product.

There are many businesses that have great marketing plans and vision but don’t necessarily have a quality product.

They may even make a lot of sales but because the product isn’t as good as the marketing, there is a lot of dissatisfaction.

If you are a promoter of a product that does not deliver the goods” it will have a lot of adverse effects in the short-term and long-term of your business.

It is hard to be passionate and promote something that you don’t think is of good quality. That’s why there is such a high failure rate of first-time home business entrepreneurs. They really aren’t passion about what they are promoting.

If say your weight loss program is the best in America and you know it’s not; it’s hard to have passion promoting it!

9. Have Promoters That Have Integrity.

If you are a promoter or distributor of a business which has deceptive sales practices, distributes dishonest information or is using other unethical practices; it doesn’t matter whether the company is making millionaires, the end result is not going to be good.

It is not the type of company that you would want your mom to be proud of.

10. Knowing the Leadership of a Company Can Tell You If It’s Standing on a Solid Foundation.

If you have a product that you are selling as an affiliate; investigate the leadership’s experience, education, etc.

Every consumer wants to buy a product that has quality. If it is a tangible product; the company needs enough financial stability to produce a quality product that the consumer wants to have.

Secondly, a good business will have a good foundational training program for their promoters.

Thirdly, a good business will have up-to-date technology which is important in today’s modern world. Especially with today’s social networking, Facebook, Twitter, cell phone apps and many of the other well-known social networking tools.

A good leadership will make sure these leadership qualities are part of their organization.

11. How to Keep Your People in the Business.

Your home business will have a way to encourage their promoters to stay in. You need a product that compels not only the purchaser to be a promoter but also the promoter to be a purchaser.

This is actually a very important secret that a good business should have, but is not necessarily required.


Because, if a product is really that VERSATILE, then it should not only be desired by the consumer, but even the promoter as well. If a promoter is interested in his own product, it will be that much easier to represent. There are many products with disability.

Also, if the consumer is so impressed in the purchase of the product, they will also automatically become promoters as well.

If you can find a product like this and it is a quality product; then you have probably FOUND A WINNER!

On the practical side; if promoters are compelled or even in some businesses required to consume their own product, they become more knowledgeable of their products.

When the promoters and consumers are using the product, more sales are made and everyone is benefiting because more money is being exchanged, more product is being used, and everyone is happy.

This generates much more income for the promoters and the consumers are happy also because they not only have a good product but also get additional benefits.

12. Real Freedom

Does your opportunity provides the average promoter an income that gives them the freedom they’re looking for?

So many home businesses and internet businesses do not really deliver the freedom that people are looking for. We are talking about finances as well as the freedom to have time to do more than just work.

If it does not provide the financial freedom and the freedom of time for the average promoter, it’s not a winner.

For example; the weight loss program that I personally promote works for women who have to stay in the home and can still work while taking care of family duties. It also will work for men or women in the workforce who want to work a legitimate part time business.

13. Have Products That Are Desirable for a Large Segment of the Community.

Which products do you think are easier to promote; toilet paper, cups, forks & spoons, water and food or do you think it’s easier to promote purple toilets, alkaline water machine ($2000 cost), metal chopsticks, etc.

Really, it’s not always about whether a product is good for you or not. It’s about whether it’s desirable by the consumer. Does the consumer want it? And is the consumer willing to pay the price? Sometimes the consumer wants it desperately, but not desperate enough to pay the price?

Some businesses have an extremely good quality product but the price is so undesirable that the average consumer is not willing to purchase it.

14. Rewards and Benefits.

Does your company have incentives and rewards that compel the promoters to reach higher goals. The main product that I promote does such a excellent job of this, that they have given away more incentives and rewards than most companies give out in commissions.

If you are promoting affiliate products in your home business that provide incentives and rewards that compel you to move more product you probably have found an exceptional company that has learned how to reward its promoters.

A good quality program will have built-in reward systems that inspire promoters to reach high goals.

15. Find out If the Cup and He Really Cares.

Does your program genuinely care for consumers and promoters alike. If you have any hint that your company deliberately does not put care into their promoters or consumers, jump ship!

It should be clearly evident in the marketing and the product that both the consumers and promoters are genuinely cared for.

16. Money, Money, Money.

Does your company have a compensation plan that shares profits generously..

Make sure that the compensation plan is reasonably attainable. Don’t spend one year of your life thinking you’re working a legitimate home business and find out that the amount of money you want to make is not even remotely possible. Count the cost before you start.

Most, if not all of these secrets are required for a good business. If you use this list as a guideline for evaluating legitimate work from home businesses, you are starting on the right track!

If you would like to look at a business model that incorporates all of these qualities in one business; feel free to take a look at the resource box below.